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Baked apples with remonce

Opskrift af: Nikolaj Juel
Recipe by: Nikolaj Juel
Rezept von: Nikolaj Juel
Recette de: Nikolaj Juel
Personer: 4 pers.
Serves: 4
Personen: 4
Personnes: 4



Baked apples with remonce (Danish pastry filling, sometime called Lord Mayor filling)


Make a remonce of Muscovado sugar, marzipan and butter by kneading them all together thoroughly.

Core the apples, fill them with remonce and place them on a fire-proof dish.

Place the apples in Forno and bake until cooked (approx. 20-30 min. depending on how hot the oven is)

Toast the hazelnuts in a dry pan, chop coarsely and set them to one side.

Cut open the vanilla pod and scrape out the vanilla seeds. Rub the vanilla seeds into a little cane sugar and stir into the crème fraîche.

Arrange the baked apples on a plate with the toasted hazelnuts and crème fraîche.

Sprinkle a little flaked salt over the apples before serving.




  • 50 g Muscovado sugar 
  • 50 g marzipan
  • 50 g soft butter
  • 4 large apples
  • 50 g hazelnuts 
  • 200 g good crème fraîche 38% 
  • 1 large vanilla pod 
  • A couple of tbsp. cane sugar 
  • Salt flakes