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Pork and apple burger

Opskrift af: Nikolaj Juel
Recipe by: Nikolaj Juel
Rezept von: Nikolaj Juel
Recette de: Nikolaj Juel
Personer: 4 pers.
Serves: 4
Personen: 4
Personnes: 4



This burger has become one of my favourite meals, and I’ll be making lots of them at barbeques over the summer. It’s easy to make and tastes amazing. It’s important to choose relatively fatty meat, so it doesn’t get dry. Your butcher can make sure it’s just right.

Mix all the ingredients well. Fry a small sample so you can taste whether there’s enough salt in it. Season if necessary.

To serve

Slice the apple. Fry the apple in a little butter on a super-hot cast-iron frying pan until it’s golden on both sides.

Shape the burgers into 4 portions and grill them on both sides until they’re cooked through.

Halve the brioche buns and put them on the grill, over indirect heat. They should be golden and crispy on the inside.

Spread a little wholegrain dijon mustard on them. Put some rocket on the buns, then the meat and then the top buns.




  • 800 g of coarsely minced pork (15-20% fat),
  • 1 tsp. of fennel seeds
  • 1 tsp coriander seeds
  • A pinch of dried chili flakes
  • 1 tbsp. of freshly chopped sage
  • Salt and pepper

To serve

  • 4 brioche buns
  • Wholegrain dijon mustard
  • A handful of rocket
  • 1 baking apple (e.g. a Belle de Boskoop)
  • Butter for frying