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Pork belly braised in apple cider, pickled shallots and apple compote

Opskrift af: Gorm Wisweh
Recipe by: Gorm Wisweh
Rezept von: Gorm Wisweh
Recette de: Gorm Wisweh
Personer: 4 pers.
Serves: 4
Personen: 4
Personnes: 4



Grill the chops and lay them in a clay pot roasting dish with apple cider, cider vinegar, a small splash of water, garlic, rosemary, peppercorns and bay.

Cover with kitchen foil and place in the Forno/ Grill Forno at an initial temperature of 220 degrees and no less than approx. 160 degrees for 1 hour and 45 minutes.

Make a "granny brine" from 1 part water, 1 part vinegar, 1 part sugar, bay, a little salt and peppercorns - and boil it up.

Leave it to cool down a little.

Peel the onions, fry briefly in butter and add them to the brine. Leave for a couple of hours or preferably overnight. In the meantime, core and cube the apples.

Steam the apple cubes with a tiny dash of white wine (take care with adding liquid, as we want to end up with a ”firm” compote that isn't too runny).

Add sugar and vanilla to taste. (Vanilla definitely brings out flavours fantastically - even in savoury dishes)

Don't cook the apple compote for too long - it should have some bite and be a little coarse.

Arrange the pork with the fried pickled onions and coarse apple compote.

Maybe add a little fresh thyme, and a beautiful potato or good home baked rye bread and mustard.



  • 800 g grill clubs (pork chops) from a happy pig.
  • 1/2 litre apple cider
  • 1/4 litres cider vinegar, save approx.. 100 ml for "granny brine"
  • 2 garlic cloves
  • A couple of sprigs of rosemary
  • 8 peppercorns
  • A little sugar
  • Bay leaves
  • A little salt and pepper
  • 8 small shallots or pearl onions
  • 1/2 kg cooking apples (preferably a variety with a bitter taste)
  • 50-100 g sugar
  • 1/4 pod vanilla
  • A very small dash of acidic white wine