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Forno smoked brie with port glazed pearl onions

Opskrift af: Morsø
Recipe by: Morsø
Rezept von: Morsø
Recette de: Morsø
Personer: 6 pers.
Serves: 6
Personen: 6
Personnes: 6



Lay the brie on a Tuscan grill and out it in the warm Forno. Fit the forno stove door, put a wet cloth over the small chimney - smoking is finished in 12 minutes.

Check the brie. You should able to press it and feel that it is soft and warm. Then cut the brie into slices and lay them on the rye bread chips. Drip a little of the port glazed pearl onions on the brie. Yum - delicious.

Port glazed pearl onions
Melt sugar until golden, pour the drained pearl onions into the sugar. Grate half of the orange with a grater and lay it aside. Add port and juice of half an orange and let it boil until the mass has slightly set and is uniform again. Finally, add orange peel to taste. Lay the glazed pearl onions on the brie.



  • 2 pieces Brie (triangular)
  • Rye bread chips

Port glazed pearl onions

  • 1 glass Pearl onions
  • 150 ml sugar
  • 75 ml port
  • 1 organic orange