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Sculpture –A mother's love is eternal – 1 child

GBP 27.00

A mother’s love is forever – this love remains with us. 1 child. Morsø sculpture in cast iron with an individual message. An obvious personal gift for someone whom the message fits. 8.5 cm in height. Design by Lene Purkær Stefansen.

Words are important, but difficult to express.

Also, words are soon forgotten. When someone says something kind-hearted or nice to us, it will soon be overshadowed by a wisecrack signifying our own doubts.

Together with words, the Morsø sculpture can make a difference. It can represent a statement, a certain symbiosis with the nice words being said. A symbiosis that goes on and on. A bunch of flowers is also wonderful, albeit forgotten after a fortnight – and the chocolate will be long gone. The sculpture continues to contribute. You will look at it – casually or on an everyday basis, and you will know from whom you received it. The words being said or written will be linked with the sculpture. Hence a symbiosis.

To some, words can be difficult to express, and in certain circumstances it may be difficult to say and express what is important.

This is why this sculpture represents a small statement. The sculpture could be the messenger, telling what is difficult to express in words – to put into words. The sculpture represents such words that will not disappear over time.

Mum will be pleased by these word – words that will live on forever and be a visible message of love.

Our child is of the greatest importance to us. We know that a mother’s love is forever – regardless of whether you are a mother or a child. A mother will do anything to please her children and let them feel her love – feel that this love is alive.

When our first child first sees the light of day, we are excited, but also anxious – will we be able to cope? Will we live up to our own expectations and to the surrounding world’s opinion as to what and how parents should be. However, the ability to cope and meet expectations is immanent in us. It appears and grows with our love for this small child. We can trust this.

Mum can be stern. She must be. This will shape us – define our upbringing, and this is love. Mum’s love is both fragile and strong, she displays it through her involvement, her care and her caresses. This is precisely what is illustrated by the sculpture being so small that it fits the palm of your hand.

You can keep the sculpture in the palm of your hand, you can keep it close to the extent you want it to be. Keep it on the bedside or coffee table, on a small shelf, in the bathroom or in your handbag or briefcase. Small as it is, the sculpture is a gift of great importance which tells everything to a mother.

Tell mum that you love her and know that she loves you!

Morsø sculpture in cast iron with individual message. An obvious personal gift to someone on whom the message fits. 8.5 cm in height.

Measurements: 4 x 4 x 8.5 cm
Material: Cast iron
Design by Lene Purkær Stefansen.

SKU: 92740036_uk