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Grilled salmon with grilled vegetables

Opskrift af: Nikolaj Juel
Recipe by: Nikolaj Juel
Rezept von: Nikolaj Juel
Recette de: Nikolaj Juel
Personer: 4 pers.
Serves: 4
Personen: 4
Personnes: 4



Prepare this dish on Grill '17, Morsø Jiko, Grill '71 Table or Forno Gas

It is of particular importance to select salmon from a healthy, sustainable farm. This is for reasons of animal welfare as well as the health of the consumer. It is a good idea to have a chat with your local fishmonger. If he has high-quality salmon, this is fine. If not, you can have an influence on what will be purchased for the shop. 

Cut the aubergine into 3 mm slices. Likewise, cut the courgettes into 3 mm slices, lengthwise. This is most easily done using a mandolin.

Grill the aubergine and courgette slices till they have distinct grill marks on both sides.

Grill both peppers till the skin blisters. Put them into a freezer bag and let them cool off. Remove the skin together with stem and seeds.

Shred the peppers and put them into a bowl together with the aubergine and courgette slices.

Add 1 tsp red-wine vinegar and 3 tsp olive oil. Season with salt and pepper and mix well.

Make 4-5 scores in the salmon skin. Sprinkle a little olive oil onto the skin and season with salt and pepper on both sides. Place the fish on the grill, skin side down. Grill the fish 2/3 through before turning over and grilling for another 2 minutes. The fish must be medium cooked, which means that it will be a bit raw in the centre.

Serve the fish with the grilled vegetables and garnish with a lemon wedge.



  • 800 g salmon, skin on, cut into 4 slices.
  • 1 aubergine
  • 1 green courgette
  • 1 yellow courgette
  • 1 red pepper
  • 1 yellow pepper
  • 10 basil leaves
  • 1 tsp red-wine vinegar
  • Olive oil
  • Salt and pepper